Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lamebook part 1

   One thing that has bothered me over the years is the lame uses people have with facebook. There's millions of things such as Sympathy lookers over the lamest of things (mostly done by the younger community), Facebook stalkers who go all through your facebook page and like every status and every comment even if it is just lol, and much more. So I am going to write a small series on the lame thing on facebook because they're so annoying I avoid reading facebook posts now and have deleted soo many people because of how lame their status updates are or how they stalk me. Now don't get me wrong it is not that I hate facebook, its how people use it for the lamest of uses. Like the bible says for it it is the love of money which is the root of all evils not money itself, the same goes for Facebook. It aint evil it's just an innocent server which people use for their own lame uses.
     So part one is going to be the facebook stalkers. Now my status updates are much rarer now because of two reasons, one I don't really think many people really care about what I have to say and they don't really need to know. But the other reason is people seem to stalk my page and either, A, try to learn all they can through my status' or my information page, or B, someone with no life goes through my entire news feed and likes every status and every dame comment in the status.
    Now goodness knows what people do or try and learn about me, most of my information is false I just say I'm Canadian and I live in an igloo and I write jokes for readers Digest.
In any case I've realised its the older community which seem to do this, where I write some statuson facebook and then they start asking me what I meant by my status. When it's generally some video game quote or reference or something to do with my facebook friends and I go well it's just from something or its an inside joke between some friend with some out there explanation. Then they go "oww well that's stupid to put up why would you put that up there?" Well then leave my facebook alone and stop reading my status', seriously my family stalk me on facebook and seem to always question my status' because they don't get my references. But it doesn't matter because they're my family so I wouldn't delete them.
   One other annoying thing with my family is they poorly read my status' and also try to talk to me about it with the status and I have no idea what they're on about. But I have an solution to this. Stop posting status' and there we go no problem.
  The worst though was this woman from my old church who added me and was the most annoying person on facebook I have ever come across I swear she had no life. Basically when I added her she did all those stupid copy and paste facebook status', and I'd see endless game posts from her. Now it was easy what I had to do which was block her news feed. But no it didn't end there, no she started stalking me, and she was the worst I ever came across, I gave her a chance but it came to ridiculous. So she started liking every one of my status', and yeah she had a right to like my status, why would I post it
? But she would like my status' that I knew she would she didn't understand because they were some random reference to a video game, or some film or something that she wouldn't understand. So I would get all these notifications from this woman liking all my status'. Then believe or not it got worse because she would then like all the comments on each of my status'. On every single comment even if it is just "lol" that's it. And she'd like it. Far out it was annoying so I had to delete her. It felt rude but it was soo annoying.
      All this stalking is stupid, if you don't quite get a status just ignore it don't worry about it. It's not the end of the world if you don't understand it. And I think it's lame when someone spends each and every day liking all my status' and I would assume she's the same with other people on facebook. This is why I dislike facebook because people use it for the stupidest reasons. Facebook is great in keeping in contact with friends sending files, and playing games, but seriously some people go over the top and stalk you or post lame sympathy posts and in these rants I will continue to share my experiences with these lame things I see on facebook. So post to me your thoughts on people.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The art of deception

Hi there, I am back to ranting, for those who are new to me this is Rhyse's rants I write about life issues in my life, and then leave it open for you to voice your opinion.
   Now today's rant is one that lays particularly close to my heart as I've seen it many times particularly in my family not to blacken anyone's name. But a common issue of cheating on your partner, which makes me sick, I cannot stand the thought. And recently I heard news of a certain someone which made me wonder, if you are happy in a relationship, why would you cheat? and Further more if you are happy cheating behind your partner's back why are you so afraid to be caught? Why don't you just buzz off and go to your stupid lifestyle? (now I am sorry to offend those who do like swinging and are happy doing so I just think its lame when someone in  relationship is going behind their partner's back). In any case you have person A who is cheating on their partner who is person B. But for some reason Person A still wants to be with person B. SO they try to hide there little affair with person C, D and E, probably because they love their partner, (this is a possibility but I don't know what is inside those who cheat so I wouldn't know really what is inside their mind but looking from the outside is pretty lame). So if they really love their partner then why would they do something they know would hurt their partner if they knew. But still Person A gives into his/her lust, then covers it up from their partner person B.
    All I want to know is if you know that cheating hurts your partner (which is so obvious but still people do it) why do they do it. I suppose Lust is a difficult thing to control but if you were really sorry wouldn't you at least admit to it? And if you really didn't want to hurt them why would you try and hook up consistently with random people? And if you are consistently hooking up with random people ( not that I'm condoning it), but why do you need to emotionally hang of someone who in reality you're lying to for your own needs?
      I feel that lust is an issue, but if you truly love someone wouldn't you want to reserve yourself for that person? I mean you know that that cheating is going to hurt them, and give them grounds to leave you. But the person who is cheating is still lying to person B for some strange reason.